On Wednesday two big stories arose in Washington D.C. The first was the congressional hearing of Roger Clemens and and Brian McNamee. Roger Clemens has said under oath that he has never taked HGH, which is a prohibited steroid. On the other hand Brian MCnamee has stated that he injected the future hall of famer Clemens with HGH. They were both under oath and one of these men is clearly lieing, and may face perjury charges. Back in November the Mitchell report stated that Clemens was pointed out for taking HGH, and Clemens has denied from day one. However, during yesterdays trial it was pointed out that Roger's close friend Andy Pettitte had stated thet Clemens talked about HGH to him.In my opinion it does not look very good for Clemens. Its starting to look more and more like Clemens cheated, and is lieing under oath to the U.S governemnt. He could be facing jail time.
The second big story was Senator Arlen Spector meeting with comissioner Roger Goddell about the
destroying of the Patriots spying videos. The Senator want to know why the tapes were not used for further evidence. The Senator will be investigating how far the patriots cheating has gone. He wanted to know if the video tapes could have served him any good. Roger kept his position that burning the tapes was the best option for the league. I believe the patriots need to pay if they cheated, and won 3 superbowls.

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